After the integration is completed from your side - the QA will be performed by the Tabby team. To make sure that all the requirements are covered - kindly review the below checklist which contains the points assessed by our side.

If any of the points cannot be applied to your website/application architecture - please, notify us about that in an email thread and this point will be discussed separately.

This page covers Website (desktop and mobile), iOS and Android custom (direct API) integrations. When integrating Tabby on the E-commerce Platform from the list this section is not applicable.

On-Site Messaging

  • Product and Cart snippets and pop-ups are present in accordance with the:
  • Product snippets are shown for all products, there is no amount limitation on displaying snippets
  • Cart snippet is shown for all amounts, there is no amount limitation on displaying snippets
  • Cart snippet amount is updated successfully when changes are performed with the items in the Cart: addition / removal / deletion of the items
  • If the store has both Arabic and English languages - snippets should be displayed correctly for both of them
  • Website: snippets should fit the width of a Mobile Web screen and have suitable width for a Desktop Web as well
  • In case your store has several countries: Tabby snippets should be displayed only for countries you have already registered with Tabby
  • If our code is not compatible with yours or you have a non-standard plan: kindly use one of the following custom snippets after the confirmation from your assigned business manager is received

Tabby as a Payment Method

  • Payment method name is present in accordance with the documentation
  • Tabby logo is present near the payment method name
  • Checkout snippet is present in accordance with the:
  • In case the Total amount can be changed on Checkout (e.g., discount, shipping, etc.) - updated price should be passed to checkout snippet correctly
  • There should be no restrictions on displaying Tabby payment method from your side - this behaviour should be handled by pre-scoring process
  • If the store has both Arabic and English languages - Payment method and a snippet should be displayed correctly for both of them
  • Website: snippet should fit the width of a Mobile Web screen and have suitable width for a Desktop Web as well
  • In case your store has several countries: Tabby payment method should be displayed only for countries you have already registered with Tabby


  • Pre-scoring check is present and working in accordance with the documentation
  • Website: when a customer decides to place an order with Tabby - Tabby Checkout is opened in the same browser window
  • Mobile apps: no control buttons (e.g., X, close, back, etc.) from your app are present on Tabby Checkout
  • Total amount on Checkout = amount shown on Tabby Checkout
  • If the store has both Arabic and English languages - language marker is sent correctly in a session creation request: object “lang”, enum “ar” / “en”
  • Session creation request contains all the required parameters from Tabby API
  • Success scenario is working
  • Cancellation scenario is working
  • Failure scenario is working
  • Corner case is supported

Payment Verification and Processing

  • Webhooks are registered one per each merchant_code. Should be “is_test”:“true” to work with testing keys
  • After a payment is placed successfully with Tabby you receive a webhook to your registered url with status “authorized”
  • On receiving it you should trigger a getPayment request to verify the status of the payment
  • If a status is “AUTHORIZED” - a capture request should be triggered from your side
    • It is an expected behaviour that webhooks return “authorized” in lower case while getPayment - in upper case: “AUTHORIZED”.
  • A full amount must be captured

If you have any questions considering this Checklist - feel free to contact us in the Integrations thread.