• Full testing is required for all Custom API and SFCC Integrations, and is optional for Magento and OpenCart Integrations.
  • Other integrations do not require testing and can be launched with the Live Keys.

Ensure that you’ve added snippets on the Product, Cart, and Checkout pages.

1. Payment Success

Testing Steps:

  1. Add an item to your shopping cart and proceed to checkout.
  2. Fill in all the required fields at checkout, and use the following email and phone numbers:
Positive flow:
UAE: otp.success@tabby.ai, phone: +971500000001
KSA: otp.success@tabby.ai, phone: +966500000001
Kuwait: otp.success@tabby.ai, phone: +96590000001
  1. Choose Tabby as the payment method and click “Place order.”
  2. Complete the payment using OTP:8888 on Tabby HPP and redirect to the store’s success page.
  3. Verify that the capture of the successful payment occurred - check for status CAPTURED on the Merchant Dashboard or Payment status AUTHORIZED and CLOSED via Retrieve Payment API.

Expected Results:

  1. Store checkout opens.
  2. Tabby payment method is available on the checkout page (pre-scoring passed successfully).
  3. Tabby Hosted Payment Page opens.
  4. The success Tabby screen appears and redirects to the Success URL; the store’s ‘Thank you’ page appears.
  5. Order is captured:
    • Payment Status is CLOSED;
    • captured amount is present in the “captures”:[] array of objects.

2. Pre-scoring Reject

Testing Steps:

  1. Add an item to your shopping cart and proceed to checkout.
  2. Fill in all the required fields at checkout, and use the following email and phone numbers:
Pre-scoring reject flow:
UAE: otp.success@tabby.ai, phone: +971500000002
KSA: otp.success@tabby.ai, phone: +966500000002
Kuwait: otp.success@tabby.ai, phone: +96590000002
  1. Attempt to choose Tabby as the payment method.

Expected Results:

  1. Store checkout opens.
  2. Tabby payment method is hidden or marked as unavailable with the message:
    • English: Sorry, Tabby is unable to approve this purchase, please use an alternative payment method for your order.
    • Arabic: نأسف، تابي غير قادرة على الموافقة على هذه العملية. الرجاء استخدام طريقة دفع أخرى.
  3. Tabby is hidden from the payment methods list or marked as unavailable.

3. Payment Cancellation

Testing Steps:

  1. Add an item to your shopping cart and proceed to checkout.
  2. Fill in all the required fields at checkout, and use the following email and phone numbers:
Positive flow:
UAE: otp.success@tabby.ai, phone: +971500000001
KSA: otp.success@tabby.ai, phone: +966500000001
Kuwait: otp.success@tabby.ai, phone: +96590000001
  1. Choose Tabby as the payment method and click “Place order.”
  2. Click on the ‘Back to Store’ button (Desktop) or the left corner cross button (Mobile), and confirm cancellation.

Expected Results:

  1. Store checkout opens.
  2. Tabby payment method is available on the checkout page (pre-scoring passed successfully).
  3. Tabby Hosted Payment Page opens.
  4. Redirect to the Cancel URL - store checkout or cart page. Verify that the cart is not emptied, and a text message with a cancellation reason is shown:
    • English: You aborted the payment. Please retry or choose another payment method.
    • Arabic: لقد ألغيت الدفعة. فضلاً حاول مجددًا أو اختر طريقة دفع أخرى.

4. Payment Failure

Testing Steps:

  1. Add an item to your shopping cart and proceed to checkout.
  2. Fill in all the required fields at checkout, and use the following email and phone numbers:
Negative flow:
UAE: otp.rejected@tabby.ai, phone: +971500000001
KSA: otp.rejected@tabby.ai, phone: +966500000001
Kuwait: otp.rejected@tabby.ai, phone: +96590000001
  1. Choose Tabby as the payment method and click “Place order.”
  2. Finish the payment using OTP:8888 in Tabby HPP.
  3. Confirm returning to the store by clicking the ‘Back to store’ button.
  4. Verify the payment status via Retrieve Payment API.

Expected Results:

  1. Store checkout opens.
  2. Tabby payment method is available on the checkout page (pre-scoring passed successfully).
  3. Tabby Hosted Payment Page opens.
  4. The rejection screen with the message ‘We can’t approve this purchase’ appears.
  5. Redirect to the Failure URL - store checkout or cart page. Verify that the cart is not emptied, and a text message with a failure reason is shown:
    • English: Sorry, Tabby is unable to approve this purchase, please use an alternative payment method for your order.
    • Arabic: نأسف، تابي غير قادرة على الموافقة على هذه العملية. الرجاء استخدام طريقة دفع أخرى.
  6. No order appears in the Merchant Dashboard (unsuccessful orders are not displayed in the Dashboard), Payment Status REJECTED.

5. Corner Case

Testing Steps:

  1. Add an item to your shopping cart and proceed to checkout.
  2. Fill in all the required fields at checkout, and use the following email and phone numbers:
Negative flow:
UAE: otp.success@tabby.ai, phone: +971500000001
KSA: otp.success@tabby.ai, phone: +966500000001
Kuwait: otp.success@tabby.ai, phone: +96590000001
  1. Choose Tabby as the payment method and click “Place order.”
  2. Finish the payment using OTP:8888 in Tabby HPP.
  3. Once you see the Success Tabby screen (with the tick), close the browser tab before the redirection.
  4. Verify that the capture of the successful payment occurred - check order status CAPTURED on the Merchant Dashboard or Payment status via Retrieve Payment API is CLOSED. Ensure the order is marked successful on your side.

Expected Results:

  1. Store checkout opens.
  2. Tabby payment method is available on the checkout page (pre-scoring passed successfully).
  3. Tabby Hosted Payment Page opens.
  4. There is no redirection to the Success page as the browser tab is closed before redirection.
  5. Payment Status changes to AUTHORIZED, then after capture is triggered, it changes to CLOSED with a captured amount in the “captures”:[] array of objects, triggered by the Webhook notifications or Cron Job.
    Retrieve payment status returned status AUTHORIZED before capture and CLOSED after capture.

If you encounter any non-captured payments (with AUTHORIZED status on Payments API or NEW status on Merchant Dashboard), you can initiate a Manual Capture or Cancel on the Merchant Dashboard, or Capture or Close Payment API Request.

6. Payment Refund via API

If you are not using the Tabby dashboard.

Testing Steps:

  1. Choose an order on your OMS and perform a refund.
  2. Check the order on the Tabby Merchant Dashboard and Payment status via Retrieve request.

Expected Results:

  1. The refund is reflected on the OMS without any API errors.
  2. The order has Refunded/Partially Refunded status in the Tabby Merchant Dashboard, and the Payment status is CLOSED with the refunded amount in the refunds”:[] array of objects.

7. National ID Upload Scenario (Mobile Apps)

Testing Steps:

  1. Reproduce the Positive flow with the same phone number and email id.success@tabby.ai.
  2. After entering the OTP, the ID upload form appears.
  3. Try to:
    • upload a photo from the gallery;
    • open the Camera to take a photo;
    • upload ID photo from Files.

Expected Results:

  1. The test email id.success@tabby.ai is used for pre-scoring and session creation.
  2. ID upload form appears with no errors.
  3. No Webview and App issues appear, and the Tabby downpayment screen appears.

8. Tabby Checkout Focus Change (Mobile Apps)

Precondition: Tabby Checkout is opened using positive flow credentials at the OTP step.

Testing Steps:

  1. At the OTP step on Tabby Checkout opened in the Webview/In-App browser, minimize the app by navigating to the home screen.
  2. Wait a few seconds and then return to the app.

Expected Results:

  1. The app correctly recovers the Tabby checkout screen at the same step. No crashes or hangs of the app after the return.
  2. No App or Webview issues appear.