This is the payment flow which describes the whole payment process for the customer and your OMS.

Payment Statuses Flow

  1. Payment Creation

When a customer opens our Hosted Payment Page, Tabby creates a payment.
Payment status is “CREATED”.
Payments in this status are not shown on Merchant Dashboard.

  1. Payment Authorization

After successful order placement, a payment gets authorized.
Payment status is “AUTHORIZED”.
Payments in this status are shown on Merchant Dashboard as NEW.

Payment status can also be “REJECTED” or “EXPIRED”. These statuses are terminal and cannot be changed, no actions are required from your end.
Payments in these statuses are not shown on Merchant Dashboard.

  1. Payment Capture

Send Capture Request as soon as the payment is authorized. Payment gets closed automatically if you send the full amount in the request.
Payment status is “CLOSED”.
Payments in this status are shown on Merchant Dashboard as CAPTURED.

Optional: A partial Capture is supported. Thus the order will stay in the “AUTHORIZED” status till the full Capture or Close Request.
On Merchant Dashboard such payments will have status NEW.

  1. Close (Optional)

If a part of the order is not going to be delivered and you need to cancel a payment after partial Capture Request, use Close Request. Please note that this request refunds and cancels all the amount which stays not captured after authorization.

You can also cancel the payment completely, if Close Request is sent after authorization without Capture Request. Payment status is “CLOSED”.
Payments closed this way are shown on Merchant Dashboard as CAPTURED.

  1. Refund

Full and multiple partial refunds are supported. Only a “CLOSED” payment can be refunded and a refund amount should not exceed the captured amount.
Payment status is “CLOSED”.
On Merchant Dashboard such payments will be shown as REFUNDED or PARTIALLY REFUNDED.

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