If our SDK solutions do not meet your requirements, you can set up backend API calls and render your own WebView to open the Tabby Hosted Payment Page.

WebView Permissions

Android WebView permissions were updated on Feb 25. Ensure that your app’s WebView has the necessary permissions to access the camera and upload images.
These permissions are required for uploading national IDs for new customers.

Checkout flow

The Checkout session request, payment method display, and code snippets should be integrated in the same way as in the Pay in 4 Custom Integration.

When customers complete the Tabby checkout (whether the payment is successful, rejected, or canceled), you can handle merchant_urls, listen to Checkout events passed in the WebView, or manage Webhooks received on the app backend.

Below is an example of the Webview events handing for iOS (Swift):


Payment Verification and Processing

Payment Verification and Processing through the OMS/ERP has to be integrated on the Merchant’s Backend the same way as on Web integration: